Harddisk Drive atau yang sering dsebut sebagai ‘ harddisk saja ‘ merupakan salah satu komponen terpenting dalam komputer. Harddisk Drive mempunyai nama lain yang secara umum disebut recording media yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan data ( informasi ). Banyak dari kita yang menggunakan harddisk, tetapi mungkin sedikit sekali orang yang mengetahui asal usul dari Harddisk Drive. Oleh karena itu dalam forum ini saya mencoba untuk membahas asal usul dari Harddisk terlebih dahulu.
- 1956 - first commercial hard disk, the IBM 350 RAMAC disk drive, 5 megabyte.
- NA
- 1973 - The IBM 3340 storage system held 1.7 MB per square inch
- 1980 - first 5.25-inch Winchester drive, the Shugart ST-506, 5 megabyte (CS)
- 1982 - Hitachi 1.2 GB H-8598 consisted of 10 14-inch platters and two read-write heads
- 1986 - Standardization of SCSI
- 1989 - Jimmy Zhu and H. Neal Bertram from UCSD proposed exchange decoupled granular microstructure for thin film disk storage media, still used today.
- 1990 - MR Technology introduced (=MagnetoResistive read sensor).
- 1991 - 2.5-inch 100 megabyte hard drive
- 1991 - PRML Technology (Digital Read Channel with 'Partial Response Maximum Likelihood' algorithm)
- 1993 - Micropolis 650MB SCSI 5.25" HDD
- 1994 - IBM introduces Laser Textured Landing Zones (LZT)
- 1995 - 2 gigabyte hard drive
- 1996 - IBM introduces GMR (Giant MR) Technology for read sensors
- 1997 - 10 gigabyte hard drive; Load/Unload Technology introduced in laptop HDDs
- 1998 - UltraDMA/33 and ATAPI standardized
- 1999 - IBM releases the Microdrive in 170 MB and 340 MB capacities
- 2002 - 137 GB addressing space barrier broken
- 2003 - Serial ATA introduced
- 2005 - First 500 GB hard drive shipping (Hitachi GST)
- 2005 - Serial ATA 3G standardized
- 2005 - Seagate introduces Tunnel MagnetoResistive Read Sensor (TMR) and Thermal Spacing Control
- 2005 - Introduction of faster SAS (Serial Attached SCSI)
- 2005 - Perpendicular recording introduced in consumer HDDs (Toshiba)
- 2006 - First 750 GB hard drive (Seagate)
- 2006 - First 200 GB 2.5" Hard Drive utilizing Perpendicular recording (Toshiba)
- 2006 - Seagate announces research into nanotube-lubricated HDDs with capacities of several terabits per square inch, making possible a 7.5 Terabyte 3.5" HDD
- 2006 - Western Digital produces world's first hard disk with a transparent polycarbonate cover
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